Saturday, August 13, 2016

Community Gardens

 According to the Centers for Disease Control...

Community Gardens

Community gardens are collaborative projects on shared open spaces where participants share in the maintenance and products of the garden, including healthful and affordable fresh fruits and vegetables.
Gardens may offer physical and mental health benefits by providing opportunities to
  • Eat healthy fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Engage in physical activity, skill building, and creating green space.
  • Beautify vacant lots.
  • Revitalize communities in industrial areas.
  • Revive and beautify public parks.
  • Create green rooftops.
  • Decrease violence in some neighborhoods, and improve social well-being through strengthening social connections.
For more information on the CDC Healthy Places visit:

Find out what's going on in your neighborhood!

Here is a link to the Denver Urban Gardens site which lists a fantastic handbook, events calendar, and more resources.