Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Global inequality in consumption, while reducing, is still high.

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Denver Community Gardens

Community Gardens and Health

Since 2004, Denver Urban Gardens and the Colorado School of Public Health have worked together, through the Gardens for Growing Healthy Communities (GGHC) community-based research initiative, to explore how gardens, as neighborhood places, support healthy living. In short, the results of this research partnership have shown what community gardeners have known all along- that community gardens are good for neighborhoods!
The following resources summarize the results of the Gardens for Growing Healthy Communities research initiative:
For more information about this research or Denver Urban Gardens, please contact us!
This research was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Health Protection Research Initiative and extended by additional funding from the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute and the J.R. Albert Foundation.

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What does sustainability mean to you?

Take the time to think about what sustainability means to you? What changes can you make in your life to make the world a better more sustainable place? Keep in mind sustainability is a state of mind and way of life.

The Golden Rule

Creating a sustainable lifestyle takes a lifelong commitment – to learning, experimenting, exploring, committing to increasingly sustainable practices and, above all, loving. Because beyond all of the frightening news; beyond the frustrating politics; beyond the failed international agreements, there is one question – how do you want to live your life? With fear – or with love? The fear route feels defeated and helpless and frustrating. The love route, on the other hand, feels grounded, purposeful and hopeful.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Living Sustainably

Residents living productive and sustainable lives are the foundation of a healthy community. A variety of support activities can develop and maintain the community's human resources, as well as provide assistance to facilitate the use of sustainable practices in people's homes and neighborhoods. This topic area will provide examples of what individuals are doing for themselves and with others.
  • Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning
    Sustainability is a state of mind and way of life. Incorporating sustainability principles, concepts and approaches in both formal and informal education processes will help institutionalize these concepts and encourage their widespread adoption. This section offers many resources and organizations that promote sustainability education.
  • Health, Nutrition, and Recreation
    Good physical and mental health throughout the community is essential to allow citizens to participate fully in community life. This section offers information on health, nutrition, and recreation options and provides selected examples of policies and programs that make them possible.
  • Responsible Buying and Consumption
    Individuals contribute to local and global sustainability when they adopt more responsible patterns of buying and consumption, thereby consuming less energy and fewer resources. In this section, resources for "green" goods and services, produced by companies with good environmental records, will be available, as well information about ways to assess and reduce resource consumption.
  • Healthy Home and Property
    Home design and maintenance can promote and model more sustainable lifestyles. Healthful, non-polluting approaches at home and throughout the community can contribute to sustainability and support the local ecosystem. This section contains resources to more sustainable practices and purchases.
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What is sustainability anyways?


Sustainability includes sustainable building, design and operations. Sustainability is the collection of policies and strategies employed by companies to minimize their environmental impact on future generations. Ecological concerns, such as the environmental impact of pollutants, are balanced with socio-economic concerns such as minimizing the consumption of limited natural resources to maintain their availability for the future.

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