Saturday, August 13, 2016

Community Gardens

 According to the Centers for Disease Control...

Community Gardens

Community gardens are collaborative projects on shared open spaces where participants share in the maintenance and products of the garden, including healthful and affordable fresh fruits and vegetables.
Gardens may offer physical and mental health benefits by providing opportunities to
  • Eat healthy fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Engage in physical activity, skill building, and creating green space.
  • Beautify vacant lots.
  • Revitalize communities in industrial areas.
  • Revive and beautify public parks.
  • Create green rooftops.
  • Decrease violence in some neighborhoods, and improve social well-being through strengthening social connections.
For more information on the CDC Healthy Places visit:

Find out what's going on in your neighborhood!

Here is a link to the Denver Urban Gardens site which lists a fantastic handbook, events calendar, and more resources.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hundreds of Cities Commit to Combating Emissions

Through bold climate commitments, 228 cities around the world are taking the lead on climate action.

Washington, D.C.-----Over 200 cities have set greenhouse gas reduction goals or targets. Action in these cities, which represent a combined population of 439 million people, could propel countries to meet their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)—the national greenhouse gas reduction pledges embodied in the Paris Agreement. According to Can a City Be Sustainable?, the latest edition of the annual State of the World series from the Worldwatch Institute, cities and their inhabitants are playing a lead role in achieving global climate action goals (

For more on this report and to purchase a copy:

Thursday, June 9, 2016

UN Goals

On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.

For the goals to be reached, everyone needs to do their part: governments, the private sector, civil society and people like you.
Do you want to get involved? You can start by telling everyone about them. We’ve also put together a list of actions that you can take in your everyday life to contribute to a sustainable future.

Environmental Issues: Green Living and Design

Green Living & Design offers practical information on how to put more "green" in your life by making buying decisions and lifestyle choices that help to sustain the environment rather than deplete it. Green living may even save you money while you help to save the planet.

Check out the complete article for more information: